Dr. Vivek Jain

Dr. Vivek Jain
Experience: 14 years of experience


About Dr. Vivek Jain Dr. Vivek Jain is a Pediatrician with 14+ experience. Well trained in newborn intensive care including care of ventilated and extremely low birth weight babies (<1000g with some <750g). Leading a team of 50 doctors and documented a case series of 50 babies less than 1000g with no long term neurodevelopmental issues over 2 years and there are Zero death rates and Zero incidences of hospital-acquired infections over the span of 3 years. Persuaded MBBS from Manipal Academy Of Higher Education, Manipal, India followed by MRCPH (Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) from the  Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, London. He is a member of the Delhi Medical Council and Indian Medical Association (IMA).

Work Experience

Consultant, Fortis Hospital

Special Interest

Thyroid Disease in Children
Diabetes in Children
Neonatal Nursing
Infant & Child nutrition
Childhood Infections
Growth & Development Evaluation / Management
Newborn Jaundice
New Born Care
Allergy Testing
Lower/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Treatment
Congenital diseases
Viral Fever Treatment.