Dr. Anuradha B S

Dr. Anuradha B S
Experience: 22 years of experience


About Dr. Anuradha B S Dr. Anuradha B S is an obstetrician and gynecologist with 22+ years of experience. She has received 11 gold medals and 4 cash awards during MBBS. Her areas of expertise include hysterectomies, caesareans, managing premarital, prenatal, miscarriages and menopause. After completing MBBS, she did MD in obstetrics and gynecology. She actively participates in various national events, International and National conferences. She has published several research articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Work Experience

Junior Consultant, Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Chennai

Associate Professor, SRMC & Research Institute, Chennai

Registrar, Apollo Hospital (Bannerghatta Road) Bangalore

Special Interest

Managing Premarital,