Dr. Sezer Kulekci

Dr. Sezer Kulekci
Experience: 34 years of experience
Hospital: American Hospital, Istanbul


About Dr. Sezer Kulekci Dr. Sezer Külekçi is an ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgeon with 34+ years of experience. She is a member of the Audiology, Speech and Audio Experts Association (OKSUD). She has 30 scientific articles on an international and national scale. She has published 3 book chapters. Her clinical interest includes Pediatric audiology, Electrophysiological measurements, Cochlear implantation, Genetic hearing loss, Auditory synchronization disorders and more.

Work Experience

Associate Director, Marmara University, Istanbul

Consultant, Marmara University, Istanbul

Special Interest

Pediatric audiology,
Electrophysiological measurements,
Genetic hearing loss,
Auditory synchronization disorders