Bae Yong Chan

Bae Yong Chan
Experience: 20 years of experience
Hospital: Pusan National University Hospital


About Bae Yong Chan Bae Yong Chan is a well-qualified Cosmetic surgeon with +20 years of experience in performing aesthetic surgeries. Chan is a professional member of several Korean aesthetic societies and holds several top positions. Some of his engagements are, the President of the Korean Society for Plastic Surgery, President of the Young Honam Regional Society of Korean Plastic Surgery, Chairman of the Young Ho-Nam Regional Association, Korean Plastic Surgery Association and Director and the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Chan is a graduate of the Pusan ​​National University College of Medicine and is a Plastic Surgery specialist. He then acquired further training from the University of Toronto, Canada. He is an expert at perfroming cosmetic surgery, pediatric surgery, cleft palate surgeries and treating skin cancer and vascular malformation.  Chan has contributed several research articles to reputed journals.

Special Interest

Pediatric surgery
Cosmetic surgery
Vascular malformation
Skin cancer