Dr. Abhijit Aich Bhaumik

Dr. Abhijit Aich Bhaumik
Experience: 11 years of experience


About Dr. Abhijit Aich Bhaumik Dr. Abhijit Aich Bhaumik is a Cardiac Surgeon with +11 years of experience in the field of cardiac care. Dr. Bhaumik is a graduate and holds an MD degree too. He has also done a Diploma in cardiology.  He has attended fellowships under, the College of Chest Physicians, European Society of Cardiology and The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. He is an expert at performing various cardiac surgeries such as, coronary angioplasty, bypass surgery, pacemaker implantation, ICD implantation, cardiac catheterization, rheumatic heart disease treatment and medical management of heart failure.

Work Experience

Consultant, BP Poddar Hospital And Medical Research Ltd,Kolkata

Consultant, B.M.Birla Heart Research Centre,Kolkata

Consultant, Medica Superspecialty Hospital

Special Interest

Coronary Angiogram
Coronary Angioplasty
Bypass Surgery
ICD Implantation
Cardiac Catheterization
Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment
Medical Management of Heart failure
Pace Maker Checking
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure