Dr. Alshimaa Rezk

Dr. Alshimaa Rezk
Experience: 17 years of experience
Hospital: Medcare Hospital Al Safa


About Dr. Alshimaa Rezk Dr. Alshimaa Rezk is an Endocrinologist, based in Dubai with 17+ years of experience. She has completed her graduation, followed by post-graduation from Ain-Shams University, Egypt. Dr. Rezk has worked earlier in some of the top-notch institutes such as Alhayat Hospital, Calcium Medical Center, and Cleopatra international hospital. Under his credit, there are both national and international publications in accredited indexed journals. He is also actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, Sessions, CDE’s, Worldwide conferences to talk about Hormonal Imbalance. He can speak in Arabic and English language.

List of Treatments

  • Thyroidectomy

Work Experience

Consultant, Cleopatra international hospital

Special Interest

Hormonal Disturbances