Dr. Arun Kumarasamy

Dr. Arun Kumarasamy
Experience: 11 years of experience
Hospital: Sachsenhausen Hospital, Frankfurt


About Dr. Arun Kumarasamy Dr. Arun Kumarasamy is an Interventional Radiologist with 11+ years in the field.  He acted as a senior physician at the Sana Klinikum Offenbach in the practice of interventional angiology with Prof. Dr. med. Starck active between 2011 - 2016. He has also successfully completed his study program in International Hospital and Health Management (MBA) at the Frankfurt School of Finance. Dr. Arun’s patients voted him one of the Top 10 physicians in his field on the Sanego medical admissions portal in 2016. His specialty lies in areas such as catheter-assisted minimally invasive therapy procedures, Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MR imaging methods in oncology, MRI with ultra-short echo times, etc. He has a number of publications to his credit in various prestigious journals nationally and internationally.

Work Experience

Senior Consultant, Sana Klinikum Offenbach

Special Interest

Computed Tomography
Hepatobiliary imaging
GI & Hepato-biliary
Magnetic resonance imaging
Musculoskeletal imaging
Head and Neck Cancer