Dr. Ayhan Olcay

Dr. Ayhan Olcay
Experience: 15 years of experience
Hospital: Medicana International Istanbul


About Dr. Ayhan Olcay Dr. Ayhan Olcay is working in the field of Cardiology for 15+ years. He is a member of the  Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Cardiology Association. Until now, he has worked in some of the prestigious institutes such as the Istanbul School of Medicine, TDV 29 Mayıs Hospital, Istanbul Medipol University Hospital, Kolan Hospital, Bayrampaşa, Medicana Bahçelievler Hospital, Istanbul. Under his credit, there are both national and international publications and he is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CDE’s to talk about Radial Angiography. Dr. Ayhan has completed his graduation from Marmara University, followed by post-graduation from the reputed Istanbul School of Medicine. His expertise lies in Stent placement, Peripheral Vascular Interventions, Pacemakers, Peripheral Vascular Occlusion, etc.

Work Experience

Consultant, Istanbul School of Medicine

Special Interest

Peripheral Vascular Interventions