Dr. Byung-Ock Choi

Dr. AbdelFattah Al-Masry
Experience: 29 years of experience
Hospital: The Catholic University Of Korea – Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital


About Dr. Byung-Ock Choi Dr. Byung-Ock Choi is a Radiation Oncologist based in Seoul, South Korea with more than 29 years in the field.  He completed his graduation and M.D. from College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea in 1991 and 2006 respectively. Dr. Choi’s clinical activities include Radiation therapy for breast cancer, lymphoma, Radiation therapy of gastrointestinal Tumors, Liver cancer, biliary cancer, urologic tumor, image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), etc. He has numerous national and international presentations and publications on musculoskeletal oncology under his credit. He has also presented many papers and CMEs as part of medical education programs for professionals and surgeons.

Special Interest

Bile Duct Cancer Treatment
Bladder Cancer Treatment
Cervical Cancer Treatment
Breast Cancer-Surgical
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia – ALL in Adults
Breast Biopsy
Hairy Cell Leukemia – HCL
Metastatic Tumors Treatment
Adrenal Cancer Treatment
Anal Cancer Treatment
Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP) Treatment
Endometrial Cancer Treatment