Dr. Chae-Yong Kim

Dr. AbdelFattah Al-Masry
Experience: 26 years of experience
Hospital: Seoul National University – Bundang Hospital


About Dr. Chae-Yong Kim Dr. Chae-Yong Kim is a famous Neurosurgeon in Seongnam, South Korea with 26+ years in the field. He completed his bachelor’s in 1994 from Seoul National University College of Medicine and master’s in 1999 from the same university. He further pursued a Ph.D. (Doctor) in 2004 from Seoul National University College of Medicine. Over the years, he has been a Clinical Observer at the Hospital for Sick Kids, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Military Neurosurgeon at Armed Forces Capital Hospital; Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Francisco; and lastly Visiting Professor at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University. He is one of the leading researchers as well as neurosurgeons of neuro-oncology, especially malignant gliomas such as glioblastomas. Dr. Kim’s provides chemical, radiological, and surgical treatment options for treating brain tumors, cerebral palsy related spasticity, degenerative spinal disease (minimally invasive spinal surgery), infectious spinal disease, spinal cord arteriovenous malformations, etc. He has delivered numerous presentations and research-based articles in national and international conferences and journals.

Work Experience

Observer, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Associate Professor, University of California, San Francisco

Associate Professor, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University

Special Interest

Spastic brain tumor (astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, glioma, chordoma, cavernous hemangioma)
Spine and spinal cord tumors
Pituitary adenoma
Cerebral artery aneurysm
Brain Cyst