Country: Best Doctor in India
City: Best Doctor in Mumbai
Department: Ophthalmologist
Experience: 11 years of experience
Hospital: Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai
About Dr. Chinamaya Sahu One of the renowned ophthalmologists Combines the best of the two premier institutes and is the first Vitreo Retinal Surgeon to have such a training Expertise in the management of complicated Retinal cases like Vitreous hemorrhage, Retinal detachments Area of further specialization is complicated Diabetic Vitrectomies Performed thousands of retinal surgeries to his credit Member of various renowned associations & organizations
List of Treatments
- Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment
- Corneal Transplantation – Eye Transplant
- Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK)
- DSEK – Descemets Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty
- Myopia (Nearsightedness) Treatment
- Astigmatism Treatment
- Hyperopia (Farsightedness) Treatment
- LASIK Procedure
- Blade-Free LASIK
- Laser Eye Surgery
- Yag Laser Capsulotomy
- Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery
- Spectacle Removal Surgery
- Endocyclophotocoagulation ECP
- Gonioplasty (Iridoplasty)
- Laser Peripheral Iridotomy
- Laser Iridotomy
- Trabeculectomy
- Cataract Surgery
Work Experience
Consultant, Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai
Consultant, Sahu Eye Hospital
Special Interest
Retinal cases like Vitreous hemorrhage, Retinal detachments and Diabetic Vitrectomies