Dr. Emilia Saulle

Dr. Emilia Saulle
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: Fakeeh University Hospital, Dubai


About Dr. Emilia Saulle Dr. Emilia Saulle is a well-respected Neurologist practicing for more than 18 years. She holds expertise in treating headaches, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, etc. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London. She has invested many years in private practice in the West Midlands, UK along with a thriving experience in the Middle East. She is a member of the Medical Defence Union (MDU) and Regional Epilepsy Group, UK. She has been invited as a ‘Speaker’ at various conferences.  She has various papers published in national and international journals.

Special Interest

Multiple sclerosis
Peripheral neuropathy
Neck pain
Back pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome