Dr. Erdal Peker

Dr. Erdal Peker
Experience: 11 years of experience
Hospital: Kolan International Hospital, Istanbul


About Dr. Erdal Peker Dr. Erdal Peker is a Neonatologist, based in Istanbul with 11+ years of experience. He has completed his graduation from Dokuz Eylül University, followed by post-graduation in Child Health and Diseases from the prestigious Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey. His areas of expertise lie in Growth and Development Tracking, Child Check-Up, Newborn Baby Tracking, Sound Child Growth, Development, Vaccination, Supplementary Food Advice, Child Diseases and Treatment, Neonatal Intensive Care Follow-up, etc. Dr. Peker is actively involved in health awareness camps. He has both national and international publications under his credit in accredited indexed journals.

Work Experience

Consultant, Yüzüncü Yıl University

Special Interest

Growth and Development Tracking
Child Check-Up
Newborn Baby Tracking