Dr. Farouk Dahmash

Dr. Farouk Dahmash
Experience: 15 years of experience
Hospital: Asklepios St. Georg Hospital


About Dr. Farouk Dahmash Dr. Farouk Dahmash is a Hematologist-Oncologist in Hamburg, Germany with experience of over 15+ years. He received his medical education at the University of Erlangen, Nuremberg, and did further training for internal medicine at Capio Hospital Otterndorf in 2007. He has also acted as an Investigator in a clinical study: ALL-GMALL, AML OSHO 2002 and 2004, and Hodgkin lymphoma. His areas of interest are the treatment of stem cell transplant (autologous, allogenic & umbilical cord blood transplant), leukemia and lymphoma, bleeding disorders, blood clots, anemia, etc. He has written for national and international journals along with attending seminars on oncology.

Work Experience

Senior Resident, Helios Clinics Schwerin

Special Interest

Bone marrow failure syndrome
Autologous transplant for multiple myeloma
Hemoglobinopathies for thalassemias and sickle cell disease
Management of clots and Bleeding problems
Immunodeficiency work up