Dr. Figen Yavlal

Dr. Figen Yavlal
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: Medicana International Istanbul


About Dr. Figen Yavlal Dr. Figen Yavlal is a Neurologist, based in Istanbul with 18+ years of experience. He has successfully operated on more than 8000 cases of Epilepsy and is a member of the Turkish Medical Association. He has completed his graduation from Karadeniz Technical University, followed by post-graduation from the reputed Istanbul Okmeydani Education and Research Hospital. His areas of clinical interest lie in the management of Stroke, Migraine, Parkinson, epilepsy, disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, etc. To date, he has worked in some of the top-notch institutes such as Ağrı State Hospital, Apex Medical Center, Fatih Medical Park Hospital, Gaziosmanpaşa Medical Park Hospital, Medicana International Hospital, Istanbul. He has both national and international publications under his credit, and he is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CDE’s to talk about Alzheimer’s Disease.

Work Experience

Consultant, Apex Medical Center

Special Interest

Sleeping disorders
Muscle and Nerve Diseases
Parkinson Movement Disorders