Dr. Francisco Ruiz

Dr. Francisco Ruiz
Experience: 10 years of experience


About Dr. Francisco Ruiz Dr. Francisco Ruiz is a notable name as an IVF Specialist in the field of ART with +10 years of experience. He holds professional memberships of the Physician Medical Boards Member of the College of Doctors, Madrid. Later in 2010, he also earned a fellowship from the  Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad, Madrid, Spain. Dr. Ruiz completed his graduation from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico and Master’s from Human Reproduction, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad, Madrid. He is an expert at IVF and reproductive endocrinology. Dr. Ruiz has contributed several papers to reputed medical journals.

Work Experience

, Art Fertility Clinics, Abu Dhabi

Special Interest

Reproductive endocrinology