Dr. Geeta Shapur

Dr. Geeta Shapur
Experience: 20 years of experience


About Dr. Geeta Shapur Dr. Geeta Shapur is a practicing ENT Surgeon with +20 years of experience in the field of clinically and surgically treating ear, nose and throat conditions. She is a professional member of the Indian Medical Association. Dr. Shapur is a distinction holder of MBBS and MS which she completed from Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane in 2002 and then from Government Medical College, Aurangabad in 2007 respectively. Dr. Shapur performs FESS, nasal septum surgery, vocal cord surgery, besides treating migraine, sinus, fittings of hearing aid, nasale bone fracture correction, headache, ear wax removal, vertigo and pediatric otolaryngology.

Work Experience

Chief, Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru

Consultant, Columbia Asia Hospital

Special Interest

Migraine Treatment
Ear Wax (Cerumen) Removal
Vertigo Treatment
Sinus / Sinusitis Treatment
ENT Checkup (General)
Hearing Aid Fitting
Nasal Septum Surgery
Pediatric Otolaryngology
Headache Management
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery – FESS
Fracture Nasal Bone Correction
Nasal and Sinus Allergy Care
Vocal Cord Surgery