Country: Best Doctor in India
City: Best Doctor in Noida
Department: Pulmonologist
Experience: 15 years of experience
Hospital: Jaypee Hospital, Noida
About Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal Currently associated as Executive Consultant with Department of Pulmonology at Jaypee Hospital, Noida Specializes in Interventional Pulmonology including conventional Bronchoscopy, EBUS, Medical Thoracoscopy, Whole Lung Lavage, Sleep studies and NIV therapy. Interests are in managing critically ill patients, including advanced techniques like ECMO.
Work Experience
Consultant, Jaypee Hospital, Noida
Special Interest
Interventional Pulmonology, Conventional Bronchoscopy, EBUS, Medical Thoracoscopy, Whole Lung Lavage, Sleep studies and NIV therapy.