Dr. Hari Kumar Menon

Dr. Hari Kumar Menon
Experience: 15 years of experience
Hospital: VPS Lakeshore Hospital, Kochi


About Dr. Hari Kumar Menon Dr. Hari Kumar Menon is a well-known Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon with nearly 15 years of experience. He has an essential role in starting the first exclusive Cosmetic Surgery Department at VPS Lakeshore Hospital.  His medical interests are fine definition liposuction, keyhole gynecomastia surgery, hair transplantation, rhinoplasty, facial rejuvenation, tummy tuck, breast reduction surgery, aesthetic plastic surgery, body contouring procedures, facial cosmetic surgery, aesthetic breast surgery, Hair transplant, non-surgical cosmetic procedures. He is an active member of the Association of Plastic surgeons of India and the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He has performed more than 600 cases of minimal access gynecomastia surgery at Lakeshore hospital in the last 5 years.

Special Interest

keyhole gynecomastia surgery
facial rejuvenation
tummy tuck
breast reduction surgery.