About Dr Hari Narayan Prasad Dr. Hari Narayan Prasad has +15 years of practice as an Opthalmologist in the field of performing vitreo-retinal surgeries. He is a professional member of the All India Ophthalmological Society and the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association. Dr. Prasad completed his MBBS in 2001 from Maulana Aazd Medical College, Delhi. In 2005, he did his MS and a fellowship from Medical Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya in 2007. He is a senior and a specialist vitreo-retinal surgeon and has performed +10,000 vitreoretinal surgeries for simple to complex retinal conditions such as, diabetic tractional retinal detachments,  retinal detachments, uveitis associated conditions, epiretinal membrane and endophthalmitis. Dr. Prasad has presented many papers at various forums of medical societies.
List of Treatments
Work Experience
Special Interest
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening/ Treatment
Vitreoretinal Surgery