Dr. Hasan Akbulut

Dr. Hasan Akbulut
Experience: 14 years of experience
Hospital: Kolan International Hospital, Istanbul


About Dr. Hasan Akbulut Dr. Hasan Akbulut is a General Surgeon, based in Istanbul with 14+ years of experience. He has completed his graduation from Istanbul University, followed by post-graduation from the reputed Okeydani Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul. His areas of clinical interest lie in Obesity and metabolic surgery, Stomach Botox, Stomach balloon, General surgery operations, Thyroid surgery, breast surgery, Goitre, etc, and is a member of the Turkish Medical Association. Dr. Hasan has both national and international publications under his credit in accredited indexed journals. He is also actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CDE’s and worldwide conferences to talk about metabolic surgery.

Work Experience

Consultant, Istanbul University

Special Interest

Stomach botox,
All laparoscopic surgery