Dr. Humaira Iqbal

Dr. Humaira Iqbal
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: LLH Hospital, Abu Dhabi


About Dr. Humaira Iqbal Dr. Humaira Iqbal is a Family Medicine Specialist with 18 years of experience. She is well-known in the UAE and one of the most experienced doctors.  She is an experienced family specialist with a track record in the hospital and health-care industries , public speaking, healthcare management, healthcare, clinical research, and Microsoft Office Suite are some of her specialties.    She is a member of a very prestigious  royal college  of general practitioner  She received her MBBS and MD degrees from prestigious universities. .  She has a vast array of publications in national and international journals.

Work Experience

, Family medicine specialist, Defence Housing Authority (DHA) Karachi

, MD, Australian Medical council

Special Interest

Family Medicine