Dr. Huseyin Bektas

Dr. Huseyin Bektas
Experience: 20 years of experience
Hospital: Bremen Ost Clinic, Bremen


About Dr. Huseyin Bektas Dr. Huseyin Bektas is a Surgical Oncologist. He is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.  Dr. Bektas is a member of The Association of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, German Society for Surgery, Association of Northwest German Surgeons, Association of German Surgeons, International College of Surgeon, Regenerative Medicine and Experimental Surgery (ReMediES).  He is also a   Board Member of SAZ Children’s Fund. Dr.Bektas studied medicine at Medizinische Hochschule Hanover (MHH, Hanover) where he teaches too. His areas of interest are, performing liver resection procedures and treating pancreatic cancer and transplant, Hepatocellular carcinoma and Gastric cancer. He has contributed significantly to many scientific publications.

Work Experience

Special Interest

Stomach Cancer
Small Intestine Cancer
Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma
Rectal Cancer
Colon Cancer