Dr. Hyung Sub Park

Dr. Hyung Sub Park
Experience: 15 years of experience
Hospital: Seoul National University – Bundang Hospital


About Dr. Hyung Sub Park Dr. Hyung Sub Park is a South Korean Nephrologist and Kidney Transplant Surgeon with 15 years in the field. His main clinical interests are the treatment of vascular diseases including abdominal aortic aneurysms, deep vein thrombosis, peripheral arterial atherosclerotic disease, varicose veins, and the formation of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis access. He performs both endovascular intervention and open surgery along with providing the most suitable alternatives for treatment based on the patient’s condition.  Dr. Park is also actively involved in clinical and basic research studies, especially in the field of stem cell research, and has an inquisitiveness in the development of next-generation vascular devices. He has various publications in national and international journals and received several awards for his incredible work in medical science.

Special Interest

Vascular and endovascular surgery
Kidney transplantation
Kidney failure
Lupus nephritis
Diabetic kidney disorder
Nephrotic syndrome
Hypertension (chronic hypertension)
Polycystic kidney disorder