About Dr. Jaswinder Singh Saluja Dr. Jaswinder Singh Saluja is a renowned ENT Specialist practicing successfully for 22+ years. He holds expertise in Cochlear Implantation, Head & Neck Surgery, etc. He pursued MBBS from M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore in 1992 followed by MS in ENT from Gulbarga University in 1998. He is an active member of various organizations including the Association of Otolaryngologists of India (AOI), the Indian Society of Otology, CIGICON 2009, APSCI 2013, and Cochlear Implant Group of India (CIGI). He is a recipient of various awards and recognitions.
Work Experience
Registrar, Apollo Hospital
Consultant, Apollo Hospital
Special Interest
Eardrum Rupture Treatment
Nasal Septum Surgery
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery – FESS
Head and Neck Tumor / Cancer Surgery
Ear Drum Repair
ENT Checkup (General)
Nasal Polypectomy
Ear Micro Surgery
Frontal Sinus Surgery
Nasal Endoscopy
Tonsillitis Treatment