Dr. Javier Hornedo Muguiro

Dr. Javier Hornedo Muguiro
Experience: 36 years of experience
Hospital: Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital


About Dr. Javier Hornedo Muguiro Dr. Javier Hornedo Muguiro is a renowned Medical Oncologist practicing for more than 36 years. He holds expertise in treating cancers and tumors. After graduating in Medicine from the  Complutense University of Madrid, he completed his training at Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid followed by a fellowship at Maryland University in Baltimore (United States). He has written over 60 publications in national and international journals and books. He has more than 90 collaborations on national and international courses and seminars.

List of Treatments

  • Chemotherapy
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia – ALL in Adults
  • Breast Biopsy
  • Hairy Cell Leukemia – HCL

Work Experience

Senior Consultant, Specialist in Medical Oncology at 12 de Octubre Hospital, Madrid

Head of Department, Head of Medical Oncology at Cataluña General Hospital in San Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona

Senior Consultant, Specialist and Tutor of Medical Oncology at 12 de Octubre Hospital

Head of Department, Head of the Breast Unit at MD Anderson Hospital in Madrid

Associate Professor, Medical Oncology at Texas University

, Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital

Special Interest

Medical Oncology