About Dr Karanjit Singh Narang Dr. Karanjit Singh Narang is a renowned Neurosurgeon in Gurgaon with an experience of over 16+ years. Dr. Karanjit has pioneered disc replacement surgery and complex spine surgery, endoscopic neurosurgery, endoscopic pituitary surgeries, complex skull base procedures, and surgery for brachial plexus injuries at Safdarjung hospital. He has vast experience in performing brain tumor surgeries using cutting edge technology of BRAIN Suite with advanced navigation, the Miyabi concept first in the Asia Pacific region. Dr. Karanjit has used ALA dye for malignant brain tumors, one of the maximum numbers in the country. He has taken a lead in ensuring quality systems to improve and establish the best quality parameter for patient care in the Institute and has been awarded as Quality Champion for NABH. Dr. Karanjit has international publications to his name and has presented papers in various National and International conferences. Dr. Karanjit Sing Narang can be followed at LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-karanjit-singh-narang-a1653658/?ppe=1
List of Treatments
- Carotid Endarterectomy
- Cerebral Angioplasty
- Cerebral or Brain Aneurysm Treatment
- Endovascular Coiling
- Surgical Clipping
- Temporal Lobectomy
- Lesionectomy
- Hemispherectomy
- Corpus Callosotomy
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Multiple Subpial Transections MST
- Microvascular Decompression MVD
- Percutaneous Balloon Compression (PBC)
- Stereotactic Radio Surgery
- Percutaneous Steriotactic Treatment – PSR
- Radiofrequency Rhizotomy – Neurotomy
- Brain Tumor Surgery
- Pineal Region Tumors Treatment
- Gliomas Treatment
- Meningioma
- Schwannomas
- Metastatic Tumors Treatment
- Radiotherapy
- VP Shunting
- Ventriculostomy
- Skull Base Surgery
- Sleep Disorders
- Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment
- Narcolepsy Treatment
- Headache
- Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
- Chronic Cerebro Spinal Venous Insufficiency Treatment
- Liberation Treatment
- Sensory Ataxia Treatment
- Pituitary Tumor Treatment
- Cerebral Palsy – Stem Cell Treatment
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Retinoblastoma
- Craniotomy Surgery
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Gamma Knife for AVM or Brain Tumor
- Cranioplasty
- Neural Stem Cell Therapy
- Autism – Stem Cell Treatment
- Muscular Dystrophy – Stem Cell Treatment
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Neuropathy – Stem Cell Treatment
Work Experience
Associate Director, Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon
Special Interest
Brain tumour surgery
Spine surgery