Dr. Kasim Kazbay

Dr. Kasim Kazbay
Experience: 20 years of experience
Hospital: American Hospital, Istanbul


About Dr. Kasim Kazbay Dr. Kasım Kazbay is a gastroenterologist with 20+ years of experience. He was granted the TUBITAK Medical Investigation Award in 1986 and received Sedat Simavi Medicine Award in 1995. He has conducted various investigations with TUBITAK NATO Overseas Doctorate Scholarship. Dr. Kasım is a member of the American Gastroenterological Association. He is a holder of the Gastroenterology Certificate of American Internal Medicine Committee.  His clinical interests include treating stomach diseases, diseases of the esophagus and intestines, diseases of liver and pancreas, endoscopy, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and more. He graduated from Ege University, Bornova in 1986, post-graduated in immunology from McGill University, Canada in 1989, a doctorate in immunology from Mount Sinai, Turkey in 1993, residency in internal medicine from New York University, New York in 1996 and fellowship in Gastroenterology from South Carolina Medical University, Charleston in 1999.

Work Experience

Visiting Consultant, United Hospital Center, USA

Associate Professor, Ingalis Hospital, USA

Visiting Consultant, German Hospital, Istanbul

Special Interest

Stomach diseases,
Diseases of esophagus and intestines,
Diseases of liver and pancreas,
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases