Dr. Kumari Menon

Dr. Kumari Menon
Experience: 14 years of experience
Hospital: Vijaya Hospital, Chennai


About Dr. Kumari Menon Dr. Kumari Menon is a Pediatrician, based in Chennai with 14+ years of experience. Her area of expertise lies in the diagnoses and treatment of problems specific to younger people, management of illnesses, minor injuries, infectious diseases, vaccinations, etc. She is a member of the IAP, NNF, BPNI, Indian Medical Association. The distinguished Neonatologist has worked in some of the top-notch hospitals such as the Public Health Centre, The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, Vijaya Hospital. Dr. Menon is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CDE’s and worldwide conferences to talk about intensive medical care for neonates and infants.

Work Experience

Consultant, ICMR