Dr. Mahmut Ozdemir

Dr. Mahmut Ozdemir
Experience: 14 years of experience


About Dr. Mahmut Ozdemir Dr. Mahmut Ozdemir is a Cardiologist, based in Istanbul with 14+ years of experience. He has completed his studies at Yüzüncü Yıl University. His areas of expertise lie in Hypertension, Heart failure, Cardiac Imaging, Interventional Cardiology, Temporary and Permanent Pacemaker Operations, Primary PCI, PTCA, Stent placement, etc. Dr. Mahmut has both national and international publications under his credit in accredited indexed journals. He is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CDE’s and worldwide conferences to talk about Echocardiography.

Work Experience

Consultant, Kolan Hospital

Special Interest

Heart failure
Cardiac Imaging
Interventional Cardiology
Temporary and Permanent Pacemaker Operations
Primary PCI