Dr. med. Cornelia Meisel

Dr. med. Cornelia Meisel
Experience: 23 years of experience
Hospital: Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, Dresden


About Dr. med. Cornelia Meisel Dr. med. Cornelia Meisel is a gynecologist with 23+ years of experience. Her clinical interest includes Uterine fibroids, vaginal and vulvar disorders, vaginal yeast infections, vulvodynia, fistulas, ovarian cysts, immunizations and injections. She completed graduation from the University of Göttingen, Germany. Dr. Meisel did her training in gynecology at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She has more than 78+ publications in international high-ranking journals.

Special Interest

Vaginal and vulvar disorders,
Vaginal yeast infections,
Ovarian cysts