Dr. med. Julia Mayerle

Dr. med. Julia Mayerle
Experience: 19 years of experience
Hospital: University Hospital Dusseldorf


About Dr. med. Julia Mayerle Dr. med. Julia Mayerle is a Medical Gastroenterologist with 19+ years in the field. She is the President of the German Pancreas Club and a member of the scientific committee, United European Gastroenterology Federation (UEGF), American Pancreatic Association, and American Gastroenterology Association. She has studied medicine from various prestigious institutions in medicine in Budapest, Würzburg, and Münster from 1994 to 2001. She has exceptional knowledge in Endoscopic Resection of intestinal cancer (EMR/ESD), Endoscopic Therapy of Zenker Diverticulum, Endobarrier, RFA (BARRX) for Barrett Esophagus, Photodynamic Therapy of Bile duct cancer, Therapy of IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), Interventional Sonography, etc. She has published articles and publications in different national and international paper journals.

Work Experience

Professor, University of Greifswald

Senior Resident, University Hospital of Münster

Special Interest

Chronic liver diseases (Hepatitis C, B, D)
Bowel diseases
Carcinomas of the intestinal tract
High definition video endoscopy
Transplantation medicine (Liver)
Diabetes and metabolism
Endocrinology and neuroendocrine tumors
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Contrast Sonography (CEUS)