Dr. med. Maren Goeckenjan

Dr. med. Maren Goeckenjan
Experience: 29 years of experience
Hospital: Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, Dresden


About Dr. med. Maren Goeckenjan Dr. med. Maren Goeckenjan is a gynecologist and obstetrician with 29+ years of experience. Her clinical interest includes myomectomy, cervical biopsy, reproductive surgeries, cystectomy, endometrial Ablations, hysteroscopy and laparoscopic oophorectomy. She completed graduation from the University of Göttingen, Germany followed by an internship in gynecology. She has done experimental work at University Clinic Göttingen under Prof. Dr. C. Unger and Prof. Dr. U. Hiddemann. Dr. Goeckenjan has many chapters on birth and pregnancy in German-language books, namely specialist book ” Obstetrics ” Elsevier Verlag, Munich, “Strengthening children’s health”, Springer-Verlag and “Women’s Health”, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg. She is a member of the German Society of Gynaecology. She has several video contributions, educational films, information films for pregnant women (each as a conference contribution).

Work Experience

Consultant, University Women’s Clinic Heidelberg

Associate Consultant, Vivantes Hospital Group

Special Interest

Cervical biopsy,
Reproductive surgeries,
Endometrial ablations,
Laparoscopic oophorectomy