Dr. med. Mario Cabraja

Dr. med. Mario Cabraja
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: Vivantes Hospital Group


About Dr. med. Mario Cabraja Dr. med. Mario Cabraja is a Neurosurgeon in Berlin, Germany with over 18+ years of experience. He is an active member of organizations such as the German Society for Neurosurgery (DGNC), German Spine Society (DWG), Eurospine, and AO spine. He is also on the Editorial Board of the “European Spine Journal” and “BMC musculoskeletal disorders”. In 2004, he completed his Doctorate in Medicine at the Institute for Physiology of the Charité in Dahlem, and Habilitation in neurosurgery at the Charité on the subject of spinal diseases in 2013. He also has an EANS Spine Fellowship (Leiden and The Hague, Prof. W.C. Peul) as well. Dr. Cabraja has special interests in dealing with Minimal-invasive and microsurgical techniques, Reconstructive surgery of the spine, degenerative spine diseases, Tumors of the spine including tumors of the spinal cord, Spinal injuries, Spinal infections, etc. He has authored national publications and also delivered at many global conferences.

Work Experience

Head of Department, Charite University Hospital

Special Interest

Minimally invasive and microsurgical techniques
Reconstruction surgery of the spine
Degenerative spinal diseases
Tumors of the spine, including tumors of the spinal cord injury
Minimal-invasive and microsurgical techniques
Reconstructive surgery of the spine
Degenerative spine diseases
Spinal injuries
Spinal infections