Dr Mina Savvidou

Experience: More than 30 years of experience
Hospital: Not Available


Dr Savvidou delivered our little boy at the beginning of March via a fairly complicated c-section. She was highly professional before and throughout the procedure. I could not recommend Dr Savvidou enough. She is professional and to the point, with a huge amount of experience.


 Reviewer and scientific editor of several journals in Obstetrics, including the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (present)

List of Treatments

Not Available

Work Experience

 More than 30 years of experience Consultant obstetrician, Obstetric Care (present)
 Consultant in obstetrics, fetal and maternal medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (2008 – present) ​Clinical lead for fetal medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (present)

Special Interest

 Private maternity Early pregnancy care and scan
 Gynaecological / pelvic scan Birth trauma counselling Breastfeeding advice and support Cervical (cone) biopsy Obstetrical ultrasonography