Great service and attendance from everyone at the hospital
• Trustee and Honorary treasurer, Ulster Paediatric Society• Member, Local Negotiating Committee, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
• Honorary chairman, Northern Ireland Eastern Division, British Medical Association
List of Treatments
Not Available
Special Interest
• Allergy• Asthma and wheeze
• Abdominal pain• Behavioural issues• Colic• Cow’s milk protein intolerance• Concerns regarding growth and development• Lethargy and tiredness• Constipation• Developmental concern• Eczema• Fits, faints and funny turns• Gastro-oesophageal reflux• Headaches• Lethargy and tiredness• Obstructive sleep apnoea• Recurrent colds and coughs• Recurrent infections• Respiratory problems• Urine infections• Unusual lumps and bumps• Any general concerns• Postnatal baby checks