Dr. Muthana Sartawi

Dr. Muthana Sartawi
Experience: 24 years of experience


About Dr. Muthana Sartawi Dr. Muthana Sartawi is an eminent and internationally-trained Orthopedic & Joint Replacement Surgeon with +24 years of experience in the field of orthopedics. He holds professional memberships of the, North American Spine Society and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Dr. Sartawi did his graduation in 2006 from the Arabian Gulf University, followed by residency at the University of Alberta, Canada in 2010 and yet another at the University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS, Canada in 2013. In 2014, he earned his fellowship from the Rush University Medical Center. He also has additional certifications from the, American Board of Orthopedics Diplomat (2016) and a fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (2013). Dr. Sartawi is credited for pioneering the one-day joint replacement surgery in the Central Illinois area and the Middle East. He has performed +1,000 total knee replacement surgeries in the USA and GCC.  He has several licenses to practice in the USA and Canada. Dr. Sartwai is particularly renowned for, total and partial knee/hip replacement and a specialised surgery for total knee replacement.  Dr. Sartwai owns three patents, one of them is for developing a minimally invasive approach to knee replacement surgery called the “Modified Intervastus Approach to the Knee”. His other patent is for a revised acetabular component design for total hip replacements. He has also received several honours and awards from the government of Kuwait and the USA. Dr. Sartwai has co-authored several papers on orthopedic cases for medical journals.

List of Treatments

  • Total Hip Replacement
  • Knee Replacement Surgery
  • Leg Injury

Work Experience

Consultant, King’s College Hospital, Dubai

Consultant, Sarah Bush Lincoln

Special Interest

Total and partial knee replacement
Total and partial hip replacement
Modified Intervastus Approach to the Knee