Dr. Muzaffer Bayhan

Dr. Muzaffer Bayhan
Experience: 31 years of experience
Hospital: American Hospital, Istanbul


About Dr. Muzaffer Bayhan Dr. Muzaffer Bayhan is a neurosurgeon with 31+ years of experience. His clinical interests include intracranial tumors, Aneurysm, AVM surgery and more. He completed his graduation from Istanbul University, Istanbul in 1968 and post-graduation in neurosurgery from Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara in 1977. Dr. Muzaffer has many publications under his name in both national and international journals. He has worked in several renowned hospitals in foreign countries. He has presented various presentations at conferences.

Work Experience

Professor, International Hospital, Turkey

Professor, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara

Professor, Winterthur Canton Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland

Special Interest

Intracranial tumors,
AVM surgery