About Dr. Nandkumar Sundaram Dr. Nandkumar Sundaram is a well known Orthopedic surgeon, based in Chennai having extensive 40+ years of experience. His expertise lies in Orthopedic Trauma surgeries, Total hip arthroplasties, Total knee arthroplasties, Total shoulder arthroplasties, Arthroscopy of the knee, ACL reconstruction, Knee pain, Joint pain, Arthritis, etc. Dr. Sundaram is a member of the Indian Medical Council, General Medical Council of England, British Orthopaedic Association, Madras Orthopaedic Association, Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association, Indian Orthopaedic Association, Indian Arthroscopy Society, and Indian Arthroplasty Association. He has successfully performed more than 15000+ knee and Hip replacement surgeries to date and under his credit, there are numerous national and international publications and he is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CME’s, worldwide conferences to talk about Knee surgeries.