Dr. Nasser Fathy Loza

Dr. Nasser Fathy Loza
Experience: 28 years of experience
Hospital: Behman Psychiatric Hospital


About Dr. Nasser Fathy Loza Dr. Nasser Fathy Loza is one of the famous Psychiatrist in Egypt with 28 years of experience. His Areas of Interest is General adult psychiatry, history of psychiatry, and cross-cultural research in clinical symptomatology. Dr. Loza is President-Elect of the World Federation for Mental Health, graduated from Kasr al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University and completed his psychiatric training at the Institute of Psychiatry & the Maudsley Hospital in London. He became a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1987 and a fellow of the college in 1995. In addition to his academic achievements, Dr Loza served as the Secretary-General for Mental Health, Egypt, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Arab Board of Medical Specializations, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Arab Journal of Psychiatry and the British Journal of Psychiatry and served as the chairman of the Middle East Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Work Experience

Director, Behman Psychiatric Hospital

Chairman, Scientific Council of the Arab Board of Medical Specializations

Special Interest

General adult psychiatry
History of psychiatry
Cross-cultural research in clinical symptomatology