Dr. Nefise Barlas Ulusoy

Dr. Nefise Barlas Ulusoy
Experience: 38 years of experience
Hospital: American Hospital, Istanbul


About Dr. Nefise Barlas Ulusoy Dr. Nefise Barlas Ulusoy is a gastroenterologist with 38+ years of experience. She has received certificates from the American Board of Internal Medicine (in 1977), Michigan State Health Professional License (in 1978) and American Board of Gastroenterology (in 1979). She was granted the Science Award by Istanbul Office of the Turkish Medical Association for her scientific investigations and articles in Gastroenterology in 1999. Her clinical interest includes inflammatory bowel diseases, diseases of the pancreas and liver, diseases of the brain and digestive system. Dr. Nefise graduated from Istanbul University, Istanbul in 1973, completed a residency in internal medicine from The Genesee Hospital, New York, USA in 1977 and fellowship in gastroenterology from the University of Michigan, USA in 1979.

Work Experience

Professor, Marmara University, Ä°stanbul

Associate Professor, American Hospital, Istanbul

Special Interest

Inflammatory bowel diseases,
Diseases of pancreas and liver,
Diseases of digestive system