About Dr. Neyyir Tuncay Eren Dr. Neyyir Tuncay Eren is a well known Cardiovascular surgeon in Istanbul. He has extensive experience of 22+ years and his expertise lies in Coronary artery by-pass surgery, Heart valve repair, Congenital heart defects surgery, Surgery for peripheral vascular diseases, Carotid artery surgery, Aortic Aneurysm Surgery, Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy, etc. Dr. Eren has completed his graduation and post-graduation from the reputed  Ankara University, Istanbul. He has both national and international publications in indexed journals. Until now, he has worked in some of the prestigious institutes of Istanbul such as SSK Eyüp Hospital, Ankara University, Tiran Spitali Ushtarak Military Hospital, National Trauma Center, American Hospitals, Hatay Private Defne Hospital, Medicana International Hospital.