Dr. Park Cheolhyun

Dr. Park Cheolhyun
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: Yeungnam University Medical Center


About Dr. Park Cheolhyun Dr. Park Cheolhyun is an Orthopaedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon with 36+ years of experience. He is a full member of the Korean Orthopedic Society, the Korean Foot & Ankle Society, the Korean Fracture Society, the Korean Society of Arthroscopy, the Korean Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, the Korean Bone Metabolic Society, AO Trauma, and American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS). He completed his graduation from the Yeungnam University Medical School and later received his residency from the same university. He has extensive expertise in foot and ankle area, diabetic foot, osteoporosis, Knee joints, traumatology, musculoskeletal oncology, pelvic and acetabular fractures, Cervical spine disease, Spinal fracture, muscular dystrophy, etc. Dr. Park has given numerous presentations at state and national seminars and authored well-researched articles.

Special Interest

diabetic foot
Spinal deformity
Cervical spine disease
Spinal fracture
Minimal invasive spinal surgery