About Dr. Poonsak Waikwamdee Dr. Poonsak Waikwamdee has been a practicing Obstetrician & Gynaecologist with +20 years of experience in the field. He did a diploma in pelvicoscopic surgery from Germany in 1977 and then did his MD in 2001 from the Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. From 2004-20, he did certifications in ART (UK) and in gynaecological endoscopy in Thailand. He has also done an MBA from the Sasin Graduate School of Administration, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.  Dr. Waikwamdee is a leading OBGYN. He offers various types of surgical and non-surgical treatments depending on the condition of the patient. Some of the gynaecological procedures he performs are hysterectomy, removal of ovarian cysts/uterine fibroids, surgery to repair injuries to the pelvic organ. Her performs C-sec, instrumental deliveries and normal vaginal deliveries. His scope of work also includes treating other reproductive conditions such as, irregular/heavy periods, menopause, recurring miscarriages, fertility issues, hormonal disorders, PCOS/PCOD, performing PAP Smear to test cervical cancer, STI tests, managing urinary issues, treating anemia, breast exams and breast health management, such as mammograms and other breast screenings. He also guides patients seeking family planning advice, contraception options and advice on sexual and reproductive health. As a specialist of reproductive medicine, he offers treatments for infertility conditions.
List of Treatments
- Ovarian Cyst Removal
- Irregular Periods Treatment (Irregular Menstrual Cycle)
- Cesarean section
Work Experience
, Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital, Bangkok
, BDMS Wellness Clinic, Thailand
Special Interest
Instrumental deliveries and
Removal of ovarian cysts/uterine fibroids
Surgery to repair injuries to the pelvic organ
High risk pregnancy
High blood pressure
Irregular/heavy periods
Recurring miscarriages
Fertility issues
Hormonal disorders
Performing pap smear to test cervical cancer
STI tests
Managing urinary issues
Treating anemia
Conducting mammograms and other breast screenings