About Dr. Prashanth Rao Currently associated as a Chief of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Minimal Access Surgery, GI Oncosurgeon and Bariatric Surgeon at Global Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Pioneered Single Port Surgery in the world using an access device ( the Triport). One of the few in the country doing a total laparoscopic whipple's procedure (pancreaticoduodenectomy). Expertise in GI and Minimal Access Surgery. Specializes in Advanced laparoscopic procedures like lap D2 Gastrectomy and lap / Thoracoscopic esophagectomy, to name a few. Member of the prestigious Indian Medical Association.
Work Experience
Chief, Global Hospitals, Mumbai
Consultant, Global Hospitals, Mumbai
Special Interest
Advanced laparoscopic procedures,lap D2 Gastrectomy, lap / Thoracoscopic ,esophagectomy, lap Peustows, lap Colorectal procedures, Single Port Surgery ,Bariatric Surgery