Dr. Praveen Garg

Dr. Praveen Garg
Experience: 34 years of experience


About Dr. Praveen Garg Dr. Praveen Garg possesses a rich experience of +34 years performing a range of general surgeries as a renowned General Surgeon. His professional affiliations with medical societies include, the Indian Medical Association and the Association of Surgeons of India (ASI). After completing MBBS in 1983 from Govt Medical College, Rohtak, and MS in 1987. Dr. Garg is an expert at major surgical procedures such as, hernia repair, gasrtic bypass, BMT, vascular surgery and surgical oncology. He also performs corn removal, prostate laser surgery, stitches removal, kidney stone treatment, gastroscopy and UI, non-surgical piles treatment.

Special Interest

Hernia surgery
Open cholecystectomy