Dr. Purna Kurkure

Dr. Purna Kurkure
Experience: 41 years of experience


About Dr. Purna Kurkure Dr. Purna Arun Kurkure is a renowned Pediatric Oncologist with an extensive 41+ experience. Her expertise lies in Paediatric Solid Tumors, Late Effects of Therapy in Childhood, Cancer Survivors and Cancer Survivorship and has been a faculty in the reputed Tata Memorial Hospital and was the President of International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) Asia. Dr. Kurkure started late effect clinic (ACT clinic) & Childhood cancer survivors support group. She is a perfectionsist and has served as the Secretary & President at various national and international societies, also winning national and international accolades. Under her credit, there are more than 150+ national and international publications and is actively invited as a guest chaiperson in scientific meetings, CME’s and worldwide conferences to talk about solid tumors in Pediatric patients.

Work Experience

Professor, TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.