Dr. Qutaiba Al Hillawi

Dr. Qutaiba Al Hillawi
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: American Hospital, Dubai


About Dr. Qutaiba Al Hillawi Dr. Qutaiba Al Hillawi is a well-known Psychiatrist practicing for more than 18 years. He holds extensive experience in managing anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychosis, etc. He is a respected member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Medical Defence Union. He has trained in prestigious medical institutions across the UK and obtained his Certificate of Completion of Training “CCT” in liaison psychiatry, Royal college of psychiatrist, United kingdom.

Work Experience

Consultant, Novomed Clinic, UAE

Consultant, Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Consultant, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust , UK

, Specialty trainee, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust , UK

, Speciality doctor , Leicestershire Partnership Trust , UK

, Specialty doctor , Kent and Medway Partnership Trust, UK,

, Senior house officer , Kent and Medway Partnership trust , UK

Special Interest

Management of Mental Illness Disorders
managing anxiety disorders, affective disorders, psychosis, personality disorders