Dr. Rakesh Jalali

Dr. Rakesh Jalali
Experience: 18 years of experience
Hospital: Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, Chennai


About Dr. Rakesh Jalali Dr. Rakesh Jalali is a leading, well-experienced Radiation Oncologist practicing for more than 18 years. He is well-trained in high-precision Radiotherapy Techniques. He has attained his MBBS degree followed by MD in Radiotherapy and Oncology. He has an instrumental role in establishing the Indian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO) which he served as a founding general secretary followed by its President and now, serving it as a Senior Advisory Council. He has a key role in establishing the Neuro-Oncology Group at TMH which is one of the leading units across India and recognized across the globe.  He has been honored with various awards and recognitions. He has more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and publications to his credit.

Special Interest

Radiotherapy Techniques