Dr. Rasha ElFakharany

Dr. Rasha ElFakharany
Experience: 20 years of experience
Hospital: American Hospital, Dubai


About Dr. Rasha ElFakharany Dr. Rasha ElFakharany is a Consultant Dermatologist practicing for more than 20 years. She holds expertise in practicing dermatology clinical cases and aesthetics procedures excluding filters. She has worked at prestigious medical institutions across UAE and Egypt.

Work Experience

, Dermatology specialist , Ministry of health, Egypt

, Dermatology specialist, RAK hospital, UAE

, Dermatology specialist, AlZahra Hospital Dubai, UAE

, Dermatology specialist , Mediclinic AbuDhabi, UAE

Special Interest

Electrocautery, cryocautery, skin biopsy, Mole screening, Excisions,
Aesthetic procedures
Botox, PRP, Mesotherapy, chemical peel, Dermabrasions, RF, Fractional laser, laser hair removal, HIFU, Q-switched laser
Cryolipolysis for skin tightening and cellulite